Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Reggae Trad

To the tune of "I Shot the Sheriff" by Bob Marley

I resist the Pontiff, but I do not accuse him of heresy
I resist the Pontiff, but I do not accuse him of heresy

Went to my local parish one day
The pastor said all I had to do was obey
I had to cry, for my eyes did see
It was a protestant liturgy
I said

I resist the Pontiff, but I do not accuse him of heresy
I resist the Pontiff, but I do not accuse him of heresy

Monsignor O'Shea is now Father Bob
He took off his collar and he got a job
Then married Sister Marie
And now has a Methodist ministry
I say

I resist the Pontiff, but I do not accuse him of heresy
I resist the Pontiff, but I do not accuse him of heresy

Cardinal Casaroli always hated me
For what, I don't know
I try to practice Catholicity
But Rome seems to just want it to go
I say

I resist the Pontiff, but I did not condemn the Cardinal prefect
I resist the Pontiff, and they say it has a schismatic effect

Monsignor Lefebvre started a Society
That the bishop said was not of the diocese
But with paganism being spread about
With them, my faith would bottom out
So I bailed out
I say

I resist the Pontiff, but I do not accuse him of heresy
I resist the Pontiff, but I do not accuse him of heresy


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